How are we doing?

The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) was created to help service providers and commissioners understand whether their patients are happy with the service provided, or where improvements are needed. It is a quick and anonymous way to give your views after receiving care or treatment across the NHS.

Since its launch in 2013, around 70 million pieces of patient feedback have been submitted. The FFT is in use across most NHS services, including community care, hospitals, mental health services, maternity services, GP and dental practices, emergency care, patient transport and more.

Forms are available in surgery from reception. We also occasionally seek your views via a text message. Alternatively, you can complete the form below;

Friends & Family Test
We welcome patient feedback to tell us what we are doing right and what we can improve. Thinking about our practice... Overall, how was your experience of our service?

A little bit about you

Please note - completing this additional information is optional but helpful to the NHS in understanding the needs and experiences of individual patients.
Are you
What age are you?
Do you consider yourself to have a physical or mental health condition or disability?
Are you

Which of the following best describes your ethnic background?

Asian or Asian British
Black or Black British
Thank you for completing this survey and providing us with feedback to improve our services. If you DO NOT wish your anonymous comments to be shared then please tick here.